Discounted Rates on Worldwide Hotels & Resorts

We provide Nonprofits FREE HELP to generate revenue WITHOUT asking for donations. 

We’re seeking bright individuals to manage and take perspective nonprofits partners to view a demo. Absolutely NO Selling.

Earn $1000's Working ANYWHERE You Choose. NO SELLING.

What we do:

We have what MILLIONS of people want…  “TRAVEL DEALS”

We sell ACCESS to our WHOLESALE Travel Booking engine, (like travel agents use and close to what Expedia does) that provides GUARANTEED SAVINGS up to $500 BELOW the prices listed on public booking engines like Expedia, Priceline, and all the others, for $50 or less.

There’s nothing to join, no blackout dates, no travel restrictions, and no timeshare presentations to have to attend.

Our Nonprofit Partners receive 50% of the revenue generated, simply by promoting this, with NO INVESTMENT or set up fees.

The Market

First, there are millions of Nonprofits – most, if not all, who need money.   All a nonprofit has to do is PROMOTE (once they sign up AT NO COST, INVESTMENT or RISK to them).  However, the only requirement for them is they MUST be a REAL 501-c3 nonprofit.   

Most nonprofits have HUGE donor and support lists (and/or followers) on social media.  We have built ads (word and image ads) that they can use to promote, driving traffic to a special landing page just for each nonprofit.

A “small” nonprofit usually has around 50,000 followers/email list.  On the other hand, many have millions.  NMM (Nonprofit Marketing Managers) will receive a percentage from EVERY ORDER generated from EVERY Nonprofit you manage.   Each NMM should easily handle at least 10 new Nonprofits per week.  Again, no selling – nonprofits will request a demo (the lead), once they get a quick understanding of what we do and how we can help them generate revenue.

How Leads Are Generated

As mentioned, there is NO SELLING whatsoever.  Millions of Nonprofits NEED MONEY.  We can provide them an option.  

Step 1.

You start by joining Nonprofit GROUPS on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google.  

Step 2.

Once you have been accepted to the group, you then start to engage (interact) with members of the group who are posting comments.  You will want to ask them questions about their Nonprofit and get them to talk.  During the interaction, you will ask them if they are needing money for their cause (99.99% will say YES).  You will then say, “I think we can help you – for free – to raise money  – even without asking your supporters for a donation”.  (Now they will become excited).  

Step 3.

At that point, you will provide a link to our Nonprofit page and recommend they watch a 5 minute video that will give them an overview and say:  “if you like what you see, simply click the link under the video and schedule a demo with one of team members.  Once they schedule a demo, they are 95% sold – as their is no cost or investment on their part. 

Each NMM will do the same.  As demos are scheduled, they are automatically sent to each available NMM in rotation.  During the demo, the NMM will then be linked to the Nonprofit and both will be provided with a 24/7 “back-office” to track orders.   Whatever orders they generate (once they fully understand how it works), you will receive a percentage from each one.  

Your Job:

Leads (requests for a demo) will come to you. You simply show them the details of how it works and how all orders are automatically tracked.  You will be their key contact person and will be responsible to train and answer all questions.  The better they do, the more you earn.  We will provide online training for all our NMM. 

How YOU Make Money:

You will earn 2% FROM EVERY ORDER generated from each Nonprofits you manage

Example:  1:  If a Nonprofit has a list of 200,000 donors, and 1% (2000) orders a $500 Travel Savings Plan, you will earn $2000 (200,000 x 1% = 2000 x 2% (of the $50 order).      

Example 2:  If a small Nonprofit has a list of 50,000 donors, and 1% (500) orders a $500 Travel Savings Plan, you will earn $500. (50,000 x 1% = 500 x 2% (of the $50 order). 

Example 3:  If a large Nonprofit with a list of 2,000,000 donors, and 1/2 of 1% (.05%) orders a $500 Travel Savings Plan, you will earn $10,000.  (2,000,000 x .5% = 10,000 x 2% (of the $50 order). 

NOTE:  NMM should easily be able to manage at least 10 nonprofits per week, If not more.




  • You must have an AA, BA, MA degree,
  • Easy going personality
  • Speak/write perfect English
  • Complete understand of Skype/Zoom/Google Meet.
  • Must have a bank account along with a social security number.

Additional benefits:

  • You will be an independent contractor (1099). You can work anywhere you choose that has a strong high-speed internet connection.
  • You will have a complete BACK-OFFICE to see your earnings 24/7 (no cost to you).
    Your earnings will be directly deposited to your bank every two weeks

To apply, please complete the form below.

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