How A QR Code
Can Help You Earn Thousands Of Dollars


The Offer

“Get up to $500 in Worldwide Hotel Savings BELOW the Costs Shown on Expedia, Priceline, and Many Other Online Travel Booking Platforms for $50 or less".
Now, guess how many people do you think will scan a QR Code for details after reading that? TONS!
There’s 1,000,000 worldwide hotels and thousands of 5-star resorts to choose from. There is nothing to join, no blackout dates, no travel restrictions, and no timeshare presentation to attend.
No Gimmicks. Just Savings.
“Get up to $500 in Worldwide Hotel Savings BELOW the Costs Shown on Expedia, Priceline, and Many Other Online Travel Booking Platforms for $50 or less".
Now, guess how many people do you think will scan a QR Code for details after reading that? TONS!
There’s 1,000,000 worldwide hotels and thousands of 5-star resorts to choose from. There is nothing to join, no blackout dates, no travel restrictions, and no timeshare presentation to attend.
No Gimmicks. Just Savings.
How We Can Offer This

We promote a travel club, but DO NOT sell memberships. Instead, we offer consumers the option to take a “test-drive” to see the money they can save, that’s FAR BELOW EXPEDIA, PRICELINE, and others.
Consumers can NOW get GUARANTEED savings up to $500 for $50, up to $250 for $25, and up to $100 for $10. All plans also offer a 200%-2-year money-back guarantee.

Here’s How We Promote

We market this promotion through our Affiliates Network.
Affiliates are (Independent Contractors) like rideshare drivers, food delivery drivers, real estate and/or insurance agents, etc.
Merchant Affiliates are those who own small brick n mortar businesses like coffee, pastry, sandwich, smoothie, yogurt, and ice cream shops, located in high-traffic tourist areas.
We market this promotion through our Affiliates Network.
- Affiliates are (Independent Contractors) like rideshare drivers, food delivery drivers, real estate and/or insurance agents, etc.
- Merchant Affiliates are those who own small brick n mortar businesses like coffee, pastry, sandwich, smoothie, yogurt, and ice cream shops, located in high-traffic tourist areas.
The Job
Simple. Just distribute POSTCARDS. That’s it.
Nothing to explain and nothing to sell. Just distribute postcards. The postcard creates curiosity. The consumer (adult ) especially those who love to travel and save money is very likely to scan the QR Code for details.
Once they do, the Affiliates (or Merchant affiliates) will generate income if the consumer makes a purchase.
Note: Anyone in their family can scan the QR Code and place an order. You will need 4-5 hours a day 4-6 days a week, for the first 4-6 weeks. If you can follow directions, we will show you how you can easily earn well over $10,000+ PER MONTH, based on the type of account you’ve set up by hardly working.

The Cost: $35

Affiliates and Merchant Affiliates pay a one-time fee of $35 to activate an account and are provided with ARTWORK (including their QR Code), that they can use to print postcards, stickers, tee-shirts, business cards, key rings, or just about anything they choose. Again, it’s all about MARKETING. NOT SELLING.
How Merchant Affiliates
Use This

Merchant Affiliates simply set out small 4”x 6” acrylic easels (called Table-Toppers) on tables, bars, counters that display the promotion in their business. Just 5 orders a day will generate about $2250 per month (30 days) per Merchant Affiliate.
We have a coffee shop that generates about 30 orders a day (their average 300-400 customers per day). Just over a month, they have generated more than $12,000 in additional revenue from just promoting (an average of 26 orders per day.

How Affiliates Use This

Affiliates print and distribute postcards when they give a ride or deliver food to their customers. Real estate and/or insurance agents can use the promotion to generate leads, while schools, nonprofits, and/or religious organizations can use this for fundraising. Credit Unions can offer the promotion to their members, by giving them an additional $10 discount of the $50, (from the $15 commission they would normally receive) and getting up to $5 on every orders. Everyone wins here!
How Affiliates Earn

When any consumer SCANS the QR code on the Affiliate’s postcard or display, and orders, the Affiliate earns 30% of the order (up to $15).
Affiliates or Merchant Affiliates who generate just 5 orders per day, for 30 days, (150 orders per month), will average $2,250 in additional revenue, simply from distributing postcards, in-person or in their shop.

Now, Here’ Where The Real Money Is - “The Marketing Manager”

Only Corporate or Marketing Managers can recruit Affiliates and/or Merchant Affiliates (in addition to being able to offer the promotion directly to consumers -earning 30% – up to $15).
Marketing Managers are paid 8% more to recruit, train, and motivate their sales team of Affiliates and Merchant Affiliates, based on their order volume.
Here’s how lucrative it is.

During my vacation, I set up ONE coffee shop (Merchant Affiliate) in Türkiye with this promotion. Within minutes, the shop set up their account and by the next business day, they were emailed a high-rez customized ad promotion (with their unique QR Code).
At that point, they simply printed about 15 copies of the ad, inserted them into their table-top acrylic displays, and placed them on each table, coffee-bar, and their order/pay counter in their shop.
With over 300-400 customers they serve per day, they are averaging about 27 orders per day from tourists looking for travel deals.
With that being said, they earned over $12,000 in FREE MONEY (27 orders per day x 30 days x $15) = $12,150) with no extra work or inventory. Marketing Managers get 8% of their gross sales for the month RESIDUALLY. I got $3600 from just setting up that ONE ACCOUNT. Think about this. If I sent up just one or two new high-traffic accounts in tourist areas, I keep adding more revenue as my first account has no plans of quitting this.
The trick is to market to specific types of shops that already have huge foot traffic in popular in high-traffic tourist areas.

Now, We Will Show Marketing Managers The Easiest Way To Find Merchant Affiliates

Again, it’s all about DISTRIBUTING POSTCARDS. That’s it. (NOTE: If you do what we recommend, you will be successful. – we know what works, and what doesn’t).
All a Marketing Manager needs to do is order and distribute at least 650 postcards like these (only with YOUR QR Code on them) per month to targeted MERCHANTS in any high-traffic tourist area. Targeted means coffee, pastry, yogurt, and sandwich type businesses.
There's NO SELLING and NO INDEPTH CONVERSATIONS. Just distribute postcards. It’s that simple. (NOTE: You can also post ads in popular social media active groups.)
Earning Projections For
Marketing Managers

Now let’s say the Marketing Manager distributes 150 per week (about 650 per month) and only around 5% respond, (about 32).
If each of these 32 accounts generates 150 orders per month (about 5 per day, which is a very small account) in 30 days x 8%, that = $19,200 PER MONTH FOR THE MARKETING MANAGER. (32 (Merchant Affiliates) x 150 (Orders per month) x $50 (cost per order) x (8%) = $19,250. )
Marketing Manager Fee: $95/mo.

Rinse and Repeat

After two weeks, of distributing postcards, you will want to rinse and repeat. Send THE SAME POSTCARD TO THE SAME MERCHANT EVERY OTHER WEEK.
The trick is keeping the message in front of your prospects often. They may be seen the postcard, but just forgot to scan the QR Code.
Once you send out about 300 postcards, you will be able to start measuring the percentages (not their names) from the number of people who have scanned your QR Code using your free back-office, included for all Marketing Manager accounts.
It's Easy Peezy!

Remember, it’s all about putting the message in front of Merchant Affiliates any way you can.
When the Merchant Affiliates is ready, they will scan the QR Code, and complete the form on the landing page. When they do, you will get their information and call them and answer their questions. So the only people you need speak with are those seriously interested.

So, Why Would Merchant Affiliates Want To Do This?

There‘s NO WORK and NO INVENTORY needed, nothing to sell, nothing to explain. The only thing is required is to display our ads in their shop.
The ad we provide is simple and compelling enough to motivate a consumer to scan the QR Code. Merchant Affiliates simply display the easel in front of consumers. On tables, bars, order and check out counters. It’s perfect for shops that have high foot traffic (no matter where they are), but much better in high-traffic tourist spots. Keep this in mind. Most popular cities with the highest number of tourists have multiple high-traffic tourist spots out the city.
As mentioned above, with just 5 orders a day (about 150 per month), an Affiliate or Merchant Affiliate will earn about $2,250 in additional PROFIT. 10 orders per day will double that.
Once they see the MONEY, they will keep doing this, month after month.
If You’ve Reviewed The Information Above And Would Like To Move Forward –
Schedule A Quick Call By Filling Out The Form
Please note that this is a Marketing Manager position about helping people make money without lifting a finger.
After you fill out the form, a representative from our company will reach out to you to answer any questions that you may have and to walk you through the next steps